Tapestry DisclaimerErrors and Omissions: This is a working index and may contain errors and omissions due to errors in the preparation of the original document or in the indexing. The indexes are verified approximately 2 days after they are recorded.

Images: The images are authentic reproductions of the actual document and the quality is usually good. However, blue or light-colored ink used on original documents will not reproduce well. A few older documents may be illegible since there was no requirement for legibility until 1997.

Wall dates: The general rule is that the grantor-grantee (or party) and tract (by legal description) index and image is available the next working day after being recorded. There are occasional exceptions due to equipment failures and high recording volumes. Please contact the Register of Deeds Office @ (715) 538-2311 ext. 244 when you need more specific information about wall dates.

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715-538-2311 ext 244
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Whitehall, WI 54773-8614


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8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
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Rose Ottum
Register of Deeds